Wednesday 25 March 2020

I Distract Myself

I'm listening to my vinyl LPs one by one, taking them from the end of the shelf, however they present themselves. Today I've listened to Stravinsky's Firebird, Debussy's Nocturnes, the Oscar Peterson Trio's Canadiana Suite, and Luke Wright's 20. There are benefits to a non-alphabetically kept collection.

Speaking of alphabets, I have been creating a folder in Word of all my poems, A-Z. I have rediscovered a few in the process which I had forgotten. Some of these are not embarrassing.

My attempts at yoga might be embarrassing if anyone could see me do them, but they can't. I need to do yoga as I can't go swimming, and in normal times, swimming is my primary form of back care. My new bedroom carpet is soft, and spending time close up to its wooliness in plank, downward dog or child pose is more comforting than I expected.

An apple crumble is comfortably warming up in the oven. The vanilla ice cream is out, softening. In a moment, I will fill the kettle with water.

What Hokusai's famous woodblock print, The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, shows us about water is that great waves are made up of individual, tiny waves. Those waves in turn are made up from molecules. They are drawn together, build to a climax, a high point, a breaking.

Jonty Lefroy Watt's latest composition Apogee explores the nature of water, shows the orchestra, a whole made up of individuals, how to express the wave, the tension of accumulation, the power, the culmination, before a return can begin.

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