Monday, 30 December 2019

I Deactivate My Facebook Account

I am about to say farewell - for six months at least, and probably twelve if I have the courage - to my Facebook account. It's been a blast, and I've enjoyed the playtime with y'all and at its best, it's provided the much-enjoyed warmth and wit of human contact, but I've noticed that the habit of reading I've developed in the past couple of years is, well, excessively casual. I want to get back to it: to get further in to sustained reading.

Something about Facebook appeases my preference for the quick fix rather than the long haul. It's like (how can I put it?) going for a milkshake rather than taking time out to cook the perfect risotto.

I want to get back into some sustained writing too, and I received the perfect gifts for this purpose at Christmas:

A. A long, warm cardigan
B. A book writing kit:

So this blog serves three purposes:

ONE - I find that if I commit to something in public that I don't find easy but know will benefit me (like doing the Parkrun) I am much more likely to do it - so here I am, making a pact with myself to deactivate my FB account at the very end of 2019 in as public a way as seems appropriate. 

TWO - If you have enjoyed reading I Buy A New Washer via the Facebook link, this is to let you know you can become a blog follower by filling your email into the 'follow by email' box. 

THREE - Well, here's hoping that the third purpose will make itself clear in 2020.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

I Get Breakfast Done

I got breakfast done by 6.35am today.  I got my train journey to work done by 7.50am and I got my first email done by 8.05am. If my computer booted up more swiftly I would have been able to get that email done by 8.02am. I must get my computer done.

During today I:

Got 3 cups of tea done
Got a banana done
Got a lecture with year 3 done, although it was more of a workshop, done.
I got many more emails done, after that first one, done,
I got printing, photocopying, phone calls, tutorials, conversations done.

I got going to a meeting about changes at work done, although the meeting raised more questions than were done with and I suspect the meeting wasn't so much done as I felt, getting on the later train home and thinking ahead to getting supper done, now.

I got carrot soup followed by left over curry and rice done, although I made it last night so I'm not sure at which moment I done it.

The odd thing is, although I done all this stuff, I will have to done most of it again tomorrow.  And what's more, some of getting it done has resulted in more stuff that needs done: washing up my porridge pan from breakfast, and my rice pan from supper, for example. Once I've posted this, I'm off to done that.

Never mind. Tomorrow, after I've got my night's sleep done, I can get breakfast done all over again.